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Golly Galoshes,

Yearly Archives: 2017

Gollys Support Road Safety Campaign!

Did you see our recent support of the rider road safety campaign #goslowforcanewdon? Our fabulous event rider Victoria Bax was involved in the cause following the death of local rider Laura Thorogood’s mare Angel on the Canewdon Road in Essex. Victoria and a team of riders took to the roads for a photo shoot to…
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This Summer

Get ready to show off this summer! Our gaiters are rapidly becoming popular amongst show riders in the battle to keep legs clean and dry in the warm-up and on the road. Ideal in the lorry over travel bandages or under saddle in the warm-up, our gaiters are breathable and waterproof, so they not only…
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Show Off This Season!

Our gaiters are rapidly becoming popular amongst show riders in the battle to keep legs clean and dry in the warm-up and on the road. Ideal in the lorry over travel bandages or under saddle in the warm-up, our gaiters are breathable and waterproof, so they not only keep your show horse or pony look…
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